Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Malwarebytes Anti-Malware ေလးပါ။ update ေလးပါ။ patch ပါထည့္ေပးထားပါတယ္။ antivirus ေတြထဲမွာ ဒီေကာင္ေလးလဲ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေလးလူသံုးမ်ားပါတယ္။ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ကေတာ့ 10.2 MB ရိွပါတယ္။ စက္၁လံုးမွာ antivirus ၂ခု သို႕မဟုတ္ ၃ခု ရိွသင့္ပါတယ္။ antivirus software ေတြက တခုနဲ႕တခုအားသာခ်က္နဲ႕ အားနည္းခ်က္ရိွပါတယ္။ အဲဒါေၾကာင့္ ၂ခုအနည္းဆံုးသြင္းထားသင့္ပါတယ္။ Virus scanner Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware - is designed to detect and remove all kinds of malicious programs. The scanner uses a heuristic scanning method, which allows to control the protection of the system. In addition, the composition of the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an additional tool used to remove vrednosnyh programs or locked files (the fact that malware is not always easy to clean - they protect themselves from being deleted until the system works). The main features and key nodes of the scanner * Three types of scans: o A quick scan; o The full scan; o Ins...